Lecrae "Rehab: The Overdose"-(Review)


Lecrae released Rehab in sept of 2010,

and now just recently he has released Rehab

"The Overdose". Now if you read my review of Rehab,

you know I loved that album, it had a lot of great songs,

so how will an album that has been released just

four months later sound? how will it stack up?

Forgive me, again…not a HUGE rap fan..so I'm

not on top of all the new releases. So when I

just found out that Lecrae released another album,

I was like..Already? needless to say I wasn't expecting much, but this album does go along quite well with

Rehab story wise.

Starting off with the opening song "overdose" I was

blown away, the album starts off with a bang, "overdose"

has quickly become a favorite Lecrae song of mine.

The lyrics are amazing, and the beat is not bad,

Same thing can be said for "More" which is the very

next song. In fact the first couple of songs are

harder then anything you'll find

on Rehab. the third song "Battle Song" features Suzy Rock who was on one of my favorites from last album

called "high" and once again She and Lecrae kill it.

Another good song is called "Blow your High" it's

a slow beat but the chorus is really catchy. There's a total of 10 songs on this album and I absolutely LOVE

5 of them, just my preference.

Comparing this to Rehab, there were

more songs on Rehab, and if any complaint I can make

more diversity. Nothing on "Overdose" is drastically

different from Rehab, some of the beats are harder and what not but nothing major.

I think "Rehab: The Overdose" is a great effort,

and is shockingly great considering it's quick release.

If you Like "rehab" like I did, I would think you would like

"The overdose" too... but, and although I said it's not

drastically different, the songs I like on "Overdose"

are indeed the songs that have a harder sound then

what was found on "Rehab". lyrically the album is

all about directing your focus onto God, just like

Rehab was, and maybe in some aspects this album

deals with certain issues better like Drugs/Anger/

fame and fortune.

I think I'll put it like this,"rehab" is a must have album, "Overdose" isn't quite that, a couple songs I could say are must haves but not the whole album. Don't get it

twisted "Overdose" is not bad at all, in fact

in some aspects I like Overdose more then Rehab.

Listen worthy songs are:

"Overdose,Blow your High, More, Chase That"

4 out of 5


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