Flame "Captured"-(Review)


Flame's newest album "Captured" is plain and simple a solid album,

filled with TRUTH and lyrically could be one of Flame's strongest

albums to date. Is it all around his best album though? is it even


Right off the bat the album kicks off with the song "Recaptured"

it's not hard hitting beat wise, but lyrically starts the album off

strong and is a cry to wake up, and is really the standing

theme through-out the album. The theme as the album is titled

is being "Captured" and as with every Flame album i've had the

pleasure to listen to, it makes you think and urges you to

truly have a "surrendering" relationship with Christ Jesus.

speaking of surrendering, "Surrender" is the second track, and

is probably the first song that really stands out, for me it was at least.

it features V.Rose and I absolutely love the meaning of the song and

the lines

"Jesus here's my white flag

I surrender right now"

V.Rose rocking the chorus is great.

The next song while listening through that stands out to me is "Nonsense"

(which would be the 4th song) love it, and when I first listened to this song,

a lot of what Flame was talking about I was seeing in people who

profess to be "Christian" just a couple of the lines that stood out to me


"You don't need to trust in Jesus because he was just a man,

please don't listen to them christians they have no clue what their

saying. Now you say you hate religion because you just want to be free

say "I'mma do what makes me happy, and whatever pleases me and

whatever pleases me is exactly what i'mma do" "

Totally can relate to running into a lot of people that believe that way.

The next song that really jumped out at me was "Move" and

is really my favorite on the whole album, and is really encouraging.

"Move" is about "Moving/doing what God wants you to do"..

something I admittedly at times struggle with.

The very next song called "Put On" is a great track as well probably

mostly because it features C-lite.

So is this Flames best album? like I said, lyrically it just might be,

but overall his last album "Our World Redeemed" just had more songs that

I really enjoyed. "Captured" isn't a bad album by any means,

and is really a biblically sound album so it's hard for me to knock it.

Lets just say if you dig songs like "Go buck" or "Who Can pluck us"

"Joyful noise" or "2nd coming" from last album…you really wont

find a lot of that in this new album. lyrically it's a more mature album..

musically/beat wise.. softer then Flame's last two..

3 out of 4


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