Red "Until We Have Faces"-Review


RED has been a favorite rock band of mine since their first album

"End of Silence" and their second album "Innocence & instinct" was

another step in the right direction, they simply put just got better and

more polished. Their latest called "Until we have Faces" is plain and simple

not a step forward, but at the same time not really a step backwards either.

"Until we have Faces" gives me the exact same feeling Skillets latest

album "Awake" gave me. It's really nothing new, it's not a sound

you couldn't find on the last album "innocence & Instinct". Really i'm

conflicted in my thoughts about it, because on the one hand

"innocence & Instinct" was and is AWESOME so is there really a need

to change? if it's not broke why fix it right? but lets get down to the

songs and my overall rating of the album..

"Until We have Faces" opens up with a song called "Feed the Machine"

really probably the best on the album and a great way to kick off the album.

honestly the first couple of songs are Red at their best "Faceless" being the

next on the track list has that typical Red sound with a catchy chorus

I'm not, I'm not myself

Feel like I'm someone else

Fallen and faceless

So hollow, hollow inside

A part of me is dead

Need you to live again

Can you replace this

I'm hollow, hollow and faceless

I dig it, good song, cool lyrics. Another good song, lyrically my favorite and

a softer song in some aspects just happens to be the next song called

"Lie to me(Denial)" Now when I listen to this song, I get the feeling that RED

is putting themselves in Gods shoes and writing/singing out to His children.

that's how I take it anyways…

Can you just turn away and let me go

Lie to me

You can feel

That this love was never real

Walk away

You can learn to love again

Lie to me

Watch me bleed

Cause I'll still be here when you see

Your not alone

You don't have to run again

Leave me in denial

All the pain you fed

Starts to grow inside

It lives again and you can't let it die

So believe you'll never find

A reason to love again

I get that same feeling when I listen to the next song "Let it burn"

which is even softer still. specially when he says "How long will you hide your face?

are you afraid?" kind of makes me think of how we try to hide our true

selves from God as If He doesn't already know. Like how God came to

Adam and Eve in the garden but they were so ashamed that they

covered their self with fig leaves and hid from God(as if you could hide from Him)

"Buried Beneath" goes with the same softer tempo as "Let it burn"

and "Lie to me" it's kind of a song that grows on me the more I listen.

"Not alone" is really your standard "Air 1" "Christian top 40 song"

and nothing wrong with that if thats what your into, but yes indeed

they stay with the softer sound with "Not Alone"….it's not a bad song,

not's just nothing you haven't heard 1,000 times.

thankfully for my sanity sake(im just kidding) the next song "Watch you Crawl"

picks up the pace a bit, not much but it does. decent song somewhat catchy

but nothing to really write home about. "The Outside" is more on par with

the first couple of songs and is a favorite, great song, and if I had to choose

one song off the whole album that I think RED took any steps forward in

I would say "The Outside" would be it.

"Who We Are" has a cool beat and some moments of screaming(which you wont

find a whole lot of on the album) it's an "ok song". "best is Yet to Come" is

pretty much everything "Not alone" is. The final song "Hymn for the missing"

can also be thrown into that "not alone" mix. I do like the piano though in

"Hymn for the missing" and the overall sound, and don't get it twisted I

don't have a problem with "Softer songs" it's just not really something

I think most people listen to RED for.

In the end I give "until we have faces"

3 1/2 out of 5

Nothing really new, but there are some good songs to be found non the less.


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