Brian "Head" Welch "Save Me From Myself"-Review


I remember waiting for this album
to drop, when Head first said he was actually working on it, I waited, and I waited some more...
before I knew it I was starting to think he had given up on the project.
Needless to say It was well worth the wait,
It's actually better then
I thought it was going to be.

Myself being an old school Korn fan, and being let down by Korns recent albums, after listening through this album it brought back memories from the old Korn flavor. Head weaves his story behind wailing Guitars
and a love for Jesus Christ...

"Save me from Myself" is everything that Korn has been missing,
you come to realize just how much of a role "Head" played
in the overall sound of Korn.
Only a few songs are a little lack luster in my opinion
and everything else is pretty polished..

"Die Religion Die" Is probably my second favorite song on the album... it's hard, it's in your face and it's an anthem for those who are truly standing for Christ.

"Washed by Blood" would be my favorite song on the album..
lyrically it's simple but as simple as it is it's beautiful.

In closing if this is what Head can do with his first "solo" album, I can't wait for his second.
This is a must buy specially for Korn fans


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