Sleeping Giant "Kingdom days in an Evil Age"-Review


Sleeping Giant's "Kingdom days in an Evil age"

is simply put full of passion, full of energy and a determining energy to drive you to your knees in praise of Christ.

The intro "Throne room Militance" absolutely pumps you up as cheesy as that sounds, it does. great opening song for the album all be it short.

"Dead Men Walking"

follows the intro, and for the record I get a strong feeling that Sleeping Giant has borrowed quite a lot from their Christian brothers in the band For Today. Which isn't

a bad thing at all, because For Today's last album was amazing.

As for "Dead Men Walking" it's not a favorite of mine on the album, it pretty much falls into the "ok" range.

"Eyes Wide Open"

however is indeed a favorite, and is the single

the band is promoting the album with. I love the flow of the song and the lyrics are powerful.

"You better pray! They call me a fanatic cause I can stand on my own. I speak revivalist.

I got this fire shut up in my bones."

The next song "The Cross is Suicide" is probably my

favorite on the whole album. It says everything in the song title..

and the lyrics are nothing but truth, because the Cross is Suicide,following Christ is suicide-a surrendering of your will for HIS. it's also a plus that the song freaking rocks.

"We are suicide. All should come and die; not for the symbol,

but for the one who is symbolized. Our light is inside. All else is

darkness till the morning time, because the sun will rise. THIS IS

SUICIDE. This bloody cross, where does it lead me? TO MY OWN DEMISE."

If you have Itunes and don't want this whole album, at least buy

this song.

The next song is called "icxc" apparently it's a traditional abbreviation of the greek words for "Jesus Christ"(thanks wiki).

The song itself is an assault on the ears! that's a good thing in this case, and the lyrics..once again POWERFUL and truth!

that most people do not see "behind the words in red" as the song itself explains:

Behind all your valor, behind all your words and the pain and behind this christian rhetoric, there is a RAGE that will conquer.

You are the conqueror. Behind the words in Red, there is a RAGE!

Behind the blood you shed, There is a RAGE. Behind the things you said, THERE IS A RAGE. Jesus, why did you end up dead?


Next is another favorite of mine called "Tithemi" meaning:

"To set, put, place" (thanks very God glorifying, heavy worship for my generation.

All Fear, All pain, All hurt, All grief, all Lies must bow to JESUS' name. All Kings, All Thrones, Every-thing that breathes life,

must bow to jesus name. The earth, the sea, the sun, the stars,

the sky must bow to JESUS' name.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah




Next is a song called "Tongues of Fire" yet another song that

is a favorite and definitely stands out. Love how they used the

verse "even the stones, they will cry out" (for obvious reasons)

The opening to the song is awesome.

"Jehova Shalom" opens with a pretty cool drum beat and has

it's moments but really stands out to me as just another "ok"

song. It is better then "Dead Men walking" in my opinion.

Next song is called "The Unnamable Name" steps it up from

"Jehova Shalom" and has a pretty catchy rhythm. love the line

"Witness the lamb as the fifth seals broken. Behold the ones with scars on their face. we are the saints at the foot of the alter"

Next song is called "Morningstar" and it is another favorite

of mine off the album. The opening riff with the drums kicking

in as he screams "STOMP DOWN BABYLON!" is awesome!

Then the breakdown into the chorus at "Lift up your eyes, all you nations.. THE KING IS RETURNING." is pretty sweet.

"Christ- the Morningstar, shine bright. Heaven's light falling down on me. To those who recognize your eyes, you will come, sing 'my Beloved'. Take you with me. Maranatha. the spirit and the ride say, 'COME'. Maranatha. Oh God, Let your son return. Maranatha. You're beautiful.

Maranatha means-: "The Lord is Coming" or "Come, O Lord."

The final song is called "Enthroned" and is the longest song, and also the softest song on the record. Good song for what it is, and really sounds like a song that the band would play at the end of

their shows.

Overall Sleeping Giant's "Kingdom Days in an Evil Age"

is filled with God glorifying powerful music that should

uplift and drive you to praise God, all while rocking out for

Him. I highly recommend this album!

and by the way if you are looking for all the Lyrics to this album

go to

I always look up lyrics, specially to bands I support/review. I couldn't find the lyrics so easily with this album, would of been smart to go directly to the bands record label first =)


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