The Wedding "Polarity"-Review


The Wedding is not a sound that is shockingly new, they got that

pop/punk flavor down to a T. The lyrics are great in many songs from

the album "Polarity" some of which isn't exactly what I would call

original or something you haven't heard before, but good none

the less.

"Polarity" opens up with "The Call" which isn't really a song per-say

as it is just 48 seconds of trumpet playing which perfectly leads into

the first real song which is "Say Your Prayers"

I absolutely love this song, and it is actually the first song

that I heard from The Wedding and it is what got me interested

in the band. I love the lyrics and the meaning behind the song,

which isn't hard to figure out what the song is talking about.

I also must say there is actually quite a few songs where I get this

"Fall out-boy" kind of vibe, and this song would be a major one.

The lead singer is amazing for The Wedding, he obviously

stands out as he has major range. He can scream(which isn't

a lot, it isn't a screamo band) He can sing(hi-low doesn't matter)

and he can have that forceful punk style? I don't know the guy just

flat out rocks..

The next song is called I'll Sleep When I'm Dead..

It opens up with some bag-pipes and then quickly

some wicked guitars. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead is

a straight up Punk song...that picks up the pace after the first song,

good song.

Next is a song called Staring at the Light, and really has a catchy tune

and chorus a great start to the album that should hold your interest

with the first three songs.

This One is for You introduces a Piano and goes a little softer,

but probably not as soft as you think. The song is really only worth listening

to for the lead singers range through this one song, I'm not really feeling

the chorus or the song in general but it does have it's moments.

Next song called I-540 opens with a beautiful piano peace,

and goes as soft as soft can go I suppose. Probably the softest song

along with Revelation, it's not a bad song though but obviously

doesn't rock your face off or anything.

It's Time to Rock, OK? comes up next and the album again picks up

with a pop punk vibe, very cool song to listen to while hitting

the slopes I might add =)

Next is a song called Rebound and really it's just and OK song, nothing

really stands out as amazing, it's catchy in some spots and throws in some screams which is a plus in my book, but is nothing to write home about.

Schizophrenia and it is my second favorite song on the album...

it hits on all levels with me, lyrically it may not be all that

original but I think it very much stands out on this album.

I would say if you don't like this song, you probably won't like

The Wedding at all..

The Last Stand(Wake the Regiment 2) brings the punk and it just has

a great beat and overall feeling to the whole song

( kind of has a Hawk Nelson feel) a good song once again,

I just love:

"and I can't wait to get to heaven,

but I'm pretty sure i've already been to hell,

and it's the love hate part of it

a captain goes down with his ship"

Misery Love Company comes up next, and I must say most of these

songs have really grown on me after listening to this album for a year or more.

Misery Loves Company has just grown on me this past week,

and I think it has great range with the guitars blaring and

the lead singer shines again here showing he can sing

in many different ways.

So now we come to the eleventh song if you don't count

the opening song, and this is where the album really drops

off for me. Besides the couple slow songs I mentioned, they

really end the album poorly in my opinion...

Southside is not that slow at all but it really has nothing that

I like about it until around 2:25 but even thats not worth

listening to.

Revelation is really slow, and don't get me arong I don't have a problem

with slow songs, just I want them to be really good if your going

to slow it down make it worth it. Then the last song "Fireworks"

is really not a way you should end the album, you would think

you would want to end in a bang, well "Fireworks" doesn't do that whatsoever.

In the End I would say there is a lot of potential with The Wedding,

they have one hell of a lead singer, and I can't deny that.

There is a good amount to like about "Polarity" and I'd

give it a 2 1/2 out of 5

The Wedding - Say Your Prayers

Showbread "The Fear of God"-Review


Showbread, one thing I really respect about the band is they do what they do

and don't care what anyone thinks, and it's usually judgmental

Christians tearing them down, which makes no sense seeing

as they are Christians and their lyrics affirm that.

"The Fear of God" is great on many different levels.

If you are wondering what Showbread sounds like,

first of all I'd say they are very original, specially in the Christian

music scene. The lead singer sounds like a mix between

Marilyn Manson and Billie Joe Armstrong(lead singer for Green Day).

Showbread calls themselves "Raw Rock" maybe a play on "Shock Rock"?

I really don't know, but I can say they are all over the place, and

I really couldn't label them as a certain type of music.

They got a Goth/Punk flavor to them but bottom line

I find them to be refreshing..

The Fear of God starts out with I'm Lost

which is really just a lead into the real first song which is called

"Nothing Matters anymore"

"Nothing Matters Anymore" is a great song and opens the album with a bang,

this song alone stands for so much. I really enjoy it on a lot of different

levels, I'm personally one who enjoys lyrics that are not overly simplistic

and make you think, and that is what this song and most

of this album does.

The world is a husk to be peeled back and torn

My body a shell that now breaks

How I long to escape from the chains that I’ve worn

And hasten my greatest escape

And when I breathe my very last, don’t shed a tear for me

Discard the body that once was my prison, for I’ll have been set free

And when the trumpets call us home and I’m no longer bedded by pain

Our tears will be forever dried, for the author of life knows my name

So we trample the hoards of the pointless and blank

We will die for the truth in our hearts

No force that exists will tear us from His hands

Nothing will tear us apart

Though the mirror is dull, the reflection obscured

We look beyond the obtuse

And the world weighs down, beating us to the ground

But her efforts are of little use

The Anointed One has purchased our souls

Death is battered and lifeless before me

The truth rains down for the children of Christ

And the truth has set us free

And through it all we rise when we fall

Though the road grows more narrow before me

Though we ache, though we cry, never break, never die

The one truth there it sets us free

Great song to open up the album for sure.

The next song is called "Lost Connection with the Head"

which has a very catchy rhythm and chorus, and a

pretty cool guitar solo starting at about 1:54.

No drop off here from the perfect opening song..

"Regret Consumes Me"

has a very "alternative Electronic" feel, very similar to

a Nine Inch Nails song, which isn't completely out of

left field as Josh Dies(Lead singer) is a big fan of

Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails. brings a little bit

of a different vibe then the first two songs but it

is another good song.

"Out of My Mind" follows and has some good moments,

and the chorus is good but it doesn't jump out at me as a

great song, more like a filler song.

"Vehement" is the sixth song(fifth if you don't count the opening)

and is one of my favorites on the whole album. I love the

meaning behind the song, which isn't hard to see

what they are talking about at all. I wont spoil it, i'll

let you figure it out =)

"The Great Emasculation" continues the Raw rock assault,

but it's kind of like "Out of my Mind" as it just doesn't

really appeal to me and is usually a song I skip.

Next comes "Shepherd, No Sheep"

which slows it down a bit but it's better then

"The Great Emasculation" and "out of My Mind" as it is

worth listening to. It seems to be directed towards the critics

and people who tell the band they should do it this way or that way.

Then comes "Let there be Raw"

which is kind of one of those anthem songs, and has

some cool moments guitar wise, but to me

falls short. and I usually skip, and that might

be mostly because the next song is my

favorite on the album.

"I Think i'm going to see you"

Is Showbread at it's best, and I love everything about the song.

I think it is probably the song to listen see if you

will like this album or not. this verse followed by the chorus

is freakin sweet..

The more the world puts in my mouth,

the more I feel like throwing up
I’ve found the way to freedom and I’m opening the door
The more they tell me how to care,

the more and more I’m giving up
Afraid of God and life and death, I’m not afraid anymore

There’s a hole in the fabric of my sanity and

it’s getting big enough to see through
And on the other side of losing my mind I think I’m gonna see you

The next song is called "Precursor" which is all over the

place vocal wise, and at one moment is fast and hard

then slows it way down towards the last 30 seconds.

another filler song in my mind..

next comes the title of the album "Fear of God"

which is another slow song but is fantastically written

and sung. It is for sure a shining moment on this album

and a favorite..

Dear God, what went wrong?

We hate ourselves, we hate our brother

We so desperately want to find our way,

and all You say is "love one another"

And little babies starve to death, emaciated, out of breath

Unfaithful wives make vows untrue, husbands beat them black and blue

Junkies vomit in the streets, writhing, twitching in their skin

Sell themselves to die some more, rotting from the outside in

Parents steal the innocence from their children, scared and shaking

Drink away the guilt at night, brings quiet to the endless aching

And evil men boast on TV, swimming in a sea of wealth

While misery beds honest men, and lonely people kill themselves

And everyone cries out Your name, as the world is raped by selfishness

And no one knows the way to heaven, we only know the emptiness

And the storm it rages in my heart, and the endless empty roars in my ears

My world is coming all apart, I’ve no strength left to dry my tears

And through it all I hear Your voice, breaking my heart, breaking my will

Calms the storm inside my soul as You whisper "peace, be still..."

The last song on the album is called

"Until We meet again" is another slow song, and is very much

obviously a slow send off. The album may not end in a bang...

but through-out the album Showbread raw rocked your face off...

and touched your heart with the slower songs.

"Until We meet again" probably shouldn't have been the last song

but I can understand the symbolism of it being the last song,

and while it's pretty much a totally different style from

everything else on the album it is good.

In the end Showbread is a band that I've really been searching

for in the Christian music scene, and haven't ever found

until obviously now. "The Fear of God" is something new...

and brings a breath of fresh air. I seriously could give this album

a 4 just for the originality alone, but while there is much to like

about the album there are some things to dislike also, and it isn't

perfect by any means. If you are looking for something different...

then I suggest you pick it up

Showbread "I Think I'm Going To See You" Music Video from Showbread on Vimeo.