Demon Hunter "True Defiance"-Review


Demon Hunter "True Defiance" is a master piece, that's all that needs to be said.
I loved "The world is a Thorn" but this blows that album out of the water.
I don't know if I want to say this is my favorite album from Demon Hunter, because it almost seems cliche to say so. The same with comparing this album with the Triptych(considered by most to be their best album)
I'm just going to judge this album by…well…this album I think that's the best way to do it.

This is by far the heaviest song on the album, and it's one hell of an opening.
It's's hard…it's DEMON HUNTER! the song doesn't need an explanation because the explanation is in the name.  We also get an awesome solo from Patrick Judge starting at 2:54 and get  used to awesome guitar work and solo's by Judge because you will find one in almost every song.

God Forsaken
This is a favorite of mine on the album, the chorus and pre chorus are so catchy and well done, but that's why I love Demon Hunter in the first place. The song is not so much that we are "God Forsaken" it's more about the times when we are struggling killing this flesh and failing and we feel that we are "God Forsaken".
Cool solo by Judge at 3:16 and the song totally punches you in the face towards the end at 4:28 where it breaks off into a heavy riff.

My Destiny
The single for this record, it's heavy and Ryan's vocals take a different direction from almost anything you have ever heard from him, hard to explain but the vocals are awesome and set this song apart on the album.  I think Yogi(drummer) really shines on this song also, it's a very pounding rhythm of consistent epicness, yeah I said it.

A song calling for the godless to WAKE. I'd call this my favorite if I could actually choose a favorite from the album, but in all honesty I can not choose. Yogi Watts again is brilliant and the chorus is powerful

"Don't come crying for help when the fire surrounds you! when desperation calls you will obey! don't follow the mass to an endless grave."

I love the cymbal play by Yogi in the chorus specially right after "Desperation calls you will obey!" it's a cool beat.

Tomorrow Never Comes
Is the first slower paced song, and every Demon Hunter fan knows that Demon Hunter can do both very well. I will say that out of the slower songs "I am Stone"/"Dead Flowers"/"What is Left" "Tomorrow Never Comes" is my favorite. Granted "I am Stone" and "Tomorrow Never Comes" are more Ballads then just a slower paced song. This song just speaks to me in many different ways, and I found Ryan's explanation of the song on the bonus dvd to be pretty cool. Great song/great ballad enough said.

Someone To Hate
This was actually the first song that everyone got a taste of off the album, needless to say it didn't leave me disappointed. The setup to this song, from the epic beginning slowly rising into a song that just slaps you in the face with a unashamed stance of truth. I absolutely love this song and everything it stands for, i've heard it so many times that you would think I would be sick of it, I know every word and can play it still... over and over and over again!

This I Know
has such a play with words, and a drumming beat that I can't help but love it.  

And the battle is my way / I will go this path alone / I will take unto my prey, this I know All my life will sing the pain / My suffering will show / In the fight I find my name, this I know

Judge again kills it on this song. Nothing I dislike about it

Means to an End
Is an instrumental and a damn good one at that, very metallicaish
and is a cool lead in to the next song

We Don't Care
Again Yoggi…Judge…Clark all mending perfectly for a great song. Very much a song along the lines of "World is a thorn" the meaning and the sound itself.
I think any Follower of Christ can relate to the chorus..

I like to call this "The song for the Atheist"'s a song essentially talking about those who suppress the truth(read Romans 1:18). so much to love about this song also..

Dead Flowers
Has a very interesting vibe to it, it's slower and ballad like which is completely fine. It's a wonderful song, and has kind of a 80's vibe to it or at least I get that. While, like I said Demon Hunter kills it on Ballads. This song being a Ballad doesn't make it different for Demon Hunter, it's just the sound itself is a little different the whole 80's vibe, but they pull it off nicely.

What is Left
Is a slower paced song but not a ballad per-say. At first this is the one song I was a little iffy on, I didn't hate it…but didn't exactly like it either. However, when Ryan Clark explained the idea of the song and the totally changed how I looked at the song.

I am Stone
Has the strings much like the "Driving Nails"(string mix) from last album, and I think it works very well just like Driving Nails did, actually I like this better then that song. Well done Ryan…well done..

"True Defiance"..well there you have it. Did you notice there wasn't one song on this album that I was down on? how does this not get a perfect score from me? You could say I am biased because Demon Hunter is my favorite band, but I dare you to listen fully to this album by them and following along with the lyrics and themes say you don't love this album.
I love what Patrick Judge brought to World Is a Thorn and I love what he brought to this album, now I'll be worried if Patrick Judge ever leaves or gets replaced (unless it's by Don Clark of course, although I think Judge is the better overall guitar player)

5 out of 5! Buy this now!

"Baptized in Filth"-Review


Impending Doom's new album is called:
"Baptized in Filth" the first single for this album that was released before the album was even released was called "For the Wicked" this gave you a small taste of the upcoming album, and it was and is a favorite of mine off the album.

Now that the album is out the single that is being pushed and the first music video for the album is called "Murderer" ironically it is the very first song you hear when you start this album up.

kicks this album off into high gear and opens with  what sounds like fading-in of distorted effects, then you are hit with an assault of guitars…so far awesome, I would expect nothing less from Impending Doom. Who by the way can't resist screaming and growling along with Brook when he is screaming; 

"I am a Murderer…
Awesome lyrics too with;
We have to realize
a reality beyond our eyes
In an unseen world
the anti christ is gonna rise and we'll
have to realize
A reality beyond our eyes
in an unseen world
the anti christ will fall!
That's Impending Doom at it's core, I mean duh..hence the name "Impending Doom".

"For the Wicked"
is the next track, and as I've already hinted at it is great. It definitely continues the heaviness of the album opening with a scream of "THE MARK OF THE BEAST!" the lyrics are powerful and are quick to stick in your mind, at least for me they were. it's catchy with it's chugging guitars and biblical lyrics. I think my favorite part lyrically besides screams of "No PEACE! FOR THE WICKED!" would be the opening where Brook screams
"Anti-Christian, Un-American
you pledge your allegiance to the fallen
failure in the flesh, crawling to your grave
Hopeless and Godless eternally you lay"
If that doesn't smack some people in the face I don't know what will.

"Chaos Reborn"
Not exactly a favorite but once the first verse kick in the guitars have this awesome rhythm that totally holds my attention at least until the pre chorus. This song is one of those songs where I dig the verse's but when it comes to the pre-chorus and chorus itself it just seems to drop off in my opinion.

This song is so awesome period.. I can just leave it at that. The opening is epic and the lyrics do nothing but pump me up it's definitely a favorite, actually it is my favorite heavy song on the album (only one real song on the album you could say is not so heavy, ill get to that)

"This is the last time you'll see my face
And the last you hear my voice
Your words are weak and pathetic and
when you speak I can see you're desperate 
for attention you won't get!

The filth you speak comes straight from hell
your walls are weak and I can tell!"

"Falling Away"
In my opinion this is the worst song on the album,
nothing I can really say I like about it, if I had to choose I guess I would say at about 2:05 to 2:20 very cool guitar wise, but that's pretty much the only positive I can give it.

"Absolute Horror"
Has a very cool  eerie sound turning into some awesome heaviness but it's just a short kind of melody with some lyrics at the end of it. 

"This is the sound of absolute horror
This is the sight of the world burning
This is the sound of absolute horror
This is the sight of the world burning down!"

"Angry Letters to God"
Love the verses in this song and my favorite part is at about 52 seconds where it turns into the pre chorus/chorus the  progression into the chorus is freaking sweet.

"Where your going theres no fame no glory
bashing everything I believe
I don't need another reason
I'll say my peace and I'm done with you!"

"Baptized in Filth"
The title of the album and also a good song on the album. This song has so many catchy riffs and moments that make it stand out along with the lyrics in general.
it's another favorite off the album of mine.

"My Light Unseen(Featuring Ryan Clark)"
Ryan Clark..from my favorite band Demon Hunter,
do you really think I could hate this? This song is the softest song on the album..not that it is exactly soft..
and to be honest it's more Ryan Clark singing through the whole song then it is Brook, brook does the backup screams in the chorus and thats about it. So it is almost strange calling this my favorite song on the new Impending Doom record when it is Ryan Clark that makes it AWESOME, but it is what it is, and it's a beautiful song.

I suffer through this path
I waited for the hope within this black
My heart's a dead machine
Every sin will stain my soul
Thank God to wash me clean

My Light unseen
(Somebody help!)

Break my fall, now carry me
(Somebody Help!)

My light unseen
(Somebody help!)

I'm so unclean…
(Somebody help!)

"Death. Ascension. Resurrection."
"Who do you say I am?
I am Alpha/Omega
Beginning and End"
That's the opening to this song in front of chugging guitars and pounding drums. This is a great closing song to the album, and the end is probably my favorite as brook keeps screaming DEATH.ASCENSION.RESURRECTION.

Overall "Baptized in Filth" by Impending Doom doesn't exactly blow their last album out of the water, I would say that it is a little bit better though. That's not bad either because I loved "There will be Violence". "Baptized in Filth" is pretty well constructed and doesn't have to much that I don't like, just literally a couple songs are mediocre and the rest is generally really good. I'd give "Baptized in Filth" a solid 4 out of 5

Ashes Remain "What I've Become"- Review


Ashes Remain "What I've Become" in most aspects is the typical radio friendly album, the modern christian rock scene is the category that this falls into.
A lot of Air 1 kind of material on the album. Ashes Remain is actually much like a Skillet or maybe a better comparison would be RED kind of style.
The question is, does that mean it's a horrible album?

While any music scene tends to get overplayed, and "What I've Become"
on the surface level isn't ground breaking in any way shape or form,
in reality what band is? "What I've Become" might be able to be compared
with a lot of other bands, and very much so have a sound that sounds very familiar, it is actually still a catchy and good album.
"What I've become" does a lot right.

"Keep me breathing"
The opening song to the album, and right off the bat you get a RED vibe,
a good start and opening specially when it brings the hook "My minds a loaded gun no one can hear me screaming". A song like this is why I love RED, its what I like to hear from them, so I can't knock it when I hear the same style from Ashes Remain.

"On My Own"
slows the album down, something air 1 would probably claim to be heavy. But just because it's not, doesn't mean it's a bad song, it's not bad it's ok, nothing you haven't heard before lyrically or music wise though from bands like Skillet,RED,Decyfer Down,Kutless ect.

"Everything Good"
Is probably the song you will hear about the most on this album, it's the song that will be overplayed on any modern contemporary Christian radio station, until you know every line and every guitar strum. It does slow the album down even more then the second song, but that being said I love the song, I can't knock a song that gives God all the glory. Its probably a good thing that it gets played so much so that you know every line.

"Without You"
Follows the same tempo as the last song, except it includes a beautiful piano momentum through the song. I like it more then "On My Own" but it isn't as good as "Everything Good", so I suppose in my eyes it's slightly better then ok. (2:37 into the song is pretty much where it stands out to me)

"Come Alive"
Picks up the album a little bit, about to the tempo of "On my Own", except I actually like it.

Keeps up the pace and I like the intro and the whole feel of the song, what can I say, like a lot of the lyrics on this album they are catchy and rhythmically fit. 
"I walk through the fire 
just to feel You next to me, 
hold on to desire, Your the only hope I see. 
I hate what I have been, falling apart within… dying to be… unbroken"- pretty much the whole song.

"End of Me"
Is actually my favorite song on the album, the riff is catchy and probably the best on the album. Lyrically the song and the album in general deals a lot with pain,depression and suicidal thoughts specifically speaking this song, probably why it's a favorite. I like the line "Black and white melt into grey until every truth is stripped away" and the lines that lead into the chorus
"The world around me, sells an empty promise. They build you up.. just to watch you fall. It's time to meet this face to face." 
"I ran away from the pain
 always breaking down inside
but now I see
this wont be the end of me."

"Right Here"
Slows things up again with some acoustic and softer vocals. It's actually a perfect song to follow a song like "End of Me" and it's all about God always being there, great song when you are comparing the contras in "Unbroken" and "End of Me".

"Change My life"
Is much like "Without you" includes piano too. This is also a song that will be, if it already is not, in the Air 1 rotation. 
"If you could make the sun burn through the night, 
and you could make the dead man come alive, 
if you could make the oceans all run dry 
then I know you can change my life"
Absolutely true and great chorus for a song.

"Take it Away"
Picks things up again, and is very similar chorus wise with Pillars song "Bring me down" ok so it's actually exactly the same. Really for me that's all I can think about when I hear this song is "Bring me down" by Pillar and that song is better then this version.

"Inside of Me"
Is another favorite of mine, and the sound is really more of a sound Ashes Remain should stick with. It's a song that sticks out to you when you first listen through the album, and how it drives into the chorus and the chorus itself..simply put AWESOME. 
"I..Can't..breathe without you
I'm stuck inside of me!
I'm..not.. free without YOU
there's nothing left of me!"

"I won't Run Away"
Is the final song on the album and for Ashes Remain and this album in general it was a great way to end it. A good send off

"What I've Become" is not something that is going to revolutionize the christian music industry, but then again it's not trying to be different and that's pretty obvious through out the whole album except for maybe "Inside Me". That being said vocals are still great through out this album and there is still plenty to like off this record in some aspects I think Ashes Remain is better then the bands they sound like if that makes any sense. It's like I see a lot of potential in these guys in their ministry and music but at the same time it feels like they are not using that potential to separate themselves from the pack. 

It's an album that on the surface level is "just ok" and while it's easy to point out the negative similarities while you are doing that you will miss the positives of this album and it does indeed have it's moments. 
3 out of 5

The Devil Wears Prada "Dead Throne"-Review


The Devil Wears Prada's latest album "Dead Throne" revolves around "false Idols". Idols we know God abhors, something the word of God is very clear on. DWP's whole album reflects the message of stop putting People/things on a "dead throne". Fact is anything you put above God is an Idol.

1."Dead Throne"
The album starts off strong with the aptly titled "Dead Throne". The intro of the beating drums with the slowly rising guitars is phenomenal. The whole song is consistently heavy behind screams of an over all theme of "I can't hold you up" and how we have put the world up on a "Dead throne" pretty straight forward.
Great song..

Continues the heavy onslaught and is a great following song to "Dead throne". This song is just as good as "dead throne" and I love when it breaks into the melody singing "Time to be joyful in no consistency. Faith can be our only regularity" then about at 2:20 when everything else seems to fade away into the heavy riff.

This is probably my favorite on the whole album lyrically and for the cleans, it's still heavy as the first couple but the chorus is more refined and with clean vocals.(I'm a sucker for brutal mixed with clean vocals) Also love the beginning riff screaming into "I WONT"  "LET THIS RUIN ME!"

The first three songs on this album are rock-steady for sure, not that they are 
per-say the heaviest on the album but they are favorites of mine. I will say the album as a whole is very much like the Zombie EP, which by the way I absolutely loved. I think after starting off hot the album falls short with the 4th song "Vengeance" nothing particularly that stands out to me with that song at all.

Is a hefty song, and what I mean by that is it is hard-hitting and powerful from start to finish. The opening got my attention quickly and the screaming chorus of "With every single move that you make, you come closer to breaking me! With every single breath that I take, you push further from helping me."

6."My Questions"
Falls a little short for me, but not as bad as vengeance did. There is some parts of this song that I find respectable, and I'm sure some will love it because it's not horrible.

Is an instrumental not much to say it's ok

8."Born To Lose"
Is the first single that is being plugged off this album. It follows the first song "dead Throne" perfectly and is a great judge of the album, if you don't like the song I doubt you would like much of the album period. I for one love the title of the song and the theme, and musically as well. "You don't know what you need we're all so back and forth, nothing is as it seems. You don't know what you need. We make the same mistakes, we've ruined everything."-chorus is killer

9."Forever Decay"
I don't really quite know how to explain it but it seems like it doesn't belong amongst the album. It actually seems more fitting for the Zombie EP, in fact it sounds like one of the songs on the EP, not that thats really a bad thing as I said I loved the Zombie EP. This song particular however is just ok..

Actually "Forever Decay" and "Chicago" both fall into the category of "Bleh" too me
nothing special about either song, nothing that stands out, just kind of more of the same and going through the motions.

Is a little more appealing for the orchestra feel at around the middle of the song and dropping into the chorus, but it just pretty much trials off after that for me.

Thankfully brings the album back on course, I enjoy the whole song from beginning to end, the whole feel of the song is outstanding specially breaking into "I KNOW HOW YOU FUNCTION" then towards the end at 2:33 it breaks into a wicked guitar solo. major kudos for this song

Is the last song and leaves the album with a good vibe, like a good ending to a movie you just watched is how the album ends for me.

I must say, after the zombie EP I wasn't sure how Devil Wears Prada would follow up, I wasn't expecting to enjoy the album as much as I have, and when I say that,  I mean I was expecting to like maybe a couple songs off the album, but I like this album way more then "With Roots Above and Branches Below". Again, it's really just more on the niche of the Zombie EP.

3 1/2 out of 5

Sleeping Giant "Kingdom days in an Evil Age"-Review


Sleeping Giant's "Kingdom days in an Evil age"

is simply put full of passion, full of energy and a determining energy to drive you to your knees in praise of Christ.

The intro "Throne room Militance" absolutely pumps you up as cheesy as that sounds, it does. great opening song for the album all be it short.

"Dead Men Walking"

follows the intro, and for the record I get a strong feeling that Sleeping Giant has borrowed quite a lot from their Christian brothers in the band For Today. Which isn't

a bad thing at all, because For Today's last album was amazing.

As for "Dead Men Walking" it's not a favorite of mine on the album, it pretty much falls into the "ok" range.

"Eyes Wide Open"

however is indeed a favorite, and is the single

the band is promoting the album with. I love the flow of the song and the lyrics are powerful.

"You better pray! They call me a fanatic cause I can stand on my own. I speak revivalist.

I got this fire shut up in my bones."

The next song "The Cross is Suicide" is probably my

favorite on the whole album. It says everything in the song title..

and the lyrics are nothing but truth, because the Cross is Suicide,following Christ is suicide-a surrendering of your will for HIS. it's also a plus that the song freaking rocks.

"We are suicide. All should come and die; not for the symbol,

but for the one who is symbolized. Our light is inside. All else is

darkness till the morning time, because the sun will rise. THIS IS

SUICIDE. This bloody cross, where does it lead me? TO MY OWN DEMISE."

If you have Itunes and don't want this whole album, at least buy

this song.

The next song is called "icxc" apparently it's a traditional abbreviation of the greek words for "Jesus Christ"(thanks wiki).

The song itself is an assault on the ears! that's a good thing in this case, and the lyrics..once again POWERFUL and truth!

that most people do not see "behind the words in red" as the song itself explains:

Behind all your valor, behind all your words and the pain and behind this christian rhetoric, there is a RAGE that will conquer.

You are the conqueror. Behind the words in Red, there is a RAGE!

Behind the blood you shed, There is a RAGE. Behind the things you said, THERE IS A RAGE. Jesus, why did you end up dead?


Next is another favorite of mine called "Tithemi" meaning:

"To set, put, place" (thanks very God glorifying, heavy worship for my generation.

All Fear, All pain, All hurt, All grief, all Lies must bow to JESUS' name. All Kings, All Thrones, Every-thing that breathes life,

must bow to jesus name. The earth, the sea, the sun, the stars,

the sky must bow to JESUS' name.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah




Next is a song called "Tongues of Fire" yet another song that

is a favorite and definitely stands out. Love how they used the

verse "even the stones, they will cry out" (for obvious reasons)

The opening to the song is awesome.

"Jehova Shalom" opens with a pretty cool drum beat and has

it's moments but really stands out to me as just another "ok"

song. It is better then "Dead Men walking" in my opinion.

Next song is called "The Unnamable Name" steps it up from

"Jehova Shalom" and has a pretty catchy rhythm. love the line

"Witness the lamb as the fifth seals broken. Behold the ones with scars on their face. we are the saints at the foot of the alter"

Next song is called "Morningstar" and it is another favorite

of mine off the album. The opening riff with the drums kicking

in as he screams "STOMP DOWN BABYLON!" is awesome!

Then the breakdown into the chorus at "Lift up your eyes, all you nations.. THE KING IS RETURNING." is pretty sweet.

"Christ- the Morningstar, shine bright. Heaven's light falling down on me. To those who recognize your eyes, you will come, sing 'my Beloved'. Take you with me. Maranatha. the spirit and the ride say, 'COME'. Maranatha. Oh God, Let your son return. Maranatha. You're beautiful.

Maranatha means-: "The Lord is Coming" or "Come, O Lord."

The final song is called "Enthroned" and is the longest song, and also the softest song on the record. Good song for what it is, and really sounds like a song that the band would play at the end of

their shows.

Overall Sleeping Giant's "Kingdom Days in an Evil Age"

is filled with God glorifying powerful music that should

uplift and drive you to praise God, all while rocking out for

Him. I highly recommend this album!

and by the way if you are looking for all the Lyrics to this album

go to

I always look up lyrics, specially to bands I support/review. I couldn't find the lyrics so easily with this album, would of been smart to go directly to the bands record label first =)